What is Caution Fatigue

Are you Fed Up of Taking Cautions

Experiencing caution fatigue

What it is about Caution Fatigue

Caution Fatigue is all over us in this pandemic. The world may never be the same again before January 2020.

It is obvious Covid-19 has made us surrender to its horrific consequences, keeping social distance a new norm of modernized way of living.

Thanks to Zoom and Google Hangouts that we still do cloud meetings with our loved ones.

In this pandemic, new mental and behavioral syndromes have also surged.

The one syndrome is called Crisis or Caution Fatigue as called by the experts. This condition is looming all over us.

Have you ever heard of the condition Caution Fatigue before Covid-19?

Recently, on my Facebook and Whatsapp chat groups people were sharing their views about the pandemic and all are now fed up about keeping social distance.

Most of my friends and family members are weary of this pandemic and facing caution fatigue syndrome.

What is Caution Fatigue?

A main sign of crisis or caution  fatigue is losing understanding and a sensation of urgency to exercise safety measures during the outbreak.

Everyone is tired of staying indoors. Now we all want to see our family and friends. But is it the right time to pretend that this is over?

There is a desire to make-believe that everything is ok. When it is not.

This is the time to talk about setting up some rules, and boundaries in socializing with our loved ones during this outbreak.

The main purpose of socializing is to ward off the symptoms of caution fatigue that is making us emotionally vulnerable.

Creating boundaries

It is not a bad idea to discuss about the new boundaries mandatory for meeting and greeting people in your house, office or in parks.

Firstly, it is very important to understand the value of covering the face with a mask.

Some people are not comfortable wearing masks everywhere. So if this is the case with your family member that it is the time to discuss with them that what you think about wearing masks and meeting your loved ones.

It is mandatory for you and your loved ones to wear masks when going for groceries, or while meeting somebody outside your house.

Everyone should be at a safe distance while socializing during the pandemic.

If somebody is not ready for boundaries then give them some time to understand the precautions to stay safe.

Socializing within self-created social bubbles

Some people are moving in their self-launched social bubbles.

These social bubbles are small groups of close friends or immediate family members.

This kind of controlled socialization as the term used by sociologists and psychologists will keep you safe and happy.

It could be boring but it is the safest way to be within your social bubble.

When it comes to mingling, safety measures should be taken

While the Center for Disease Control gives detailed guidelines and approvals for socializing but we also have to make sure what makes us comfortable and what pointers need to be worked on.

Wearing masks, washing hands for 20 seconds and using hand sanitizer when outdoors or touching surfaces is the norm of our daily routine.

Like breathing, we cannot forget doing these steps.

Covid-19 safety measures for low immunity people

Safety measures for immunocompromised people are more severe and urgent.

People suffering from invisible illnesses or life-threatening diseases need extra measure to keep themselves safe from getting infected from the virus.

Older people with health complications are at a greater risk of getting the virus and not surviving it.

This is the bitter reality but it is truth. If we are living with our grandparents then it is our moral and social responsibility to stay indoors for them.

Getting virus through us to them would be devastating for all the family members in all the ways possible.

Virtual hangouts

When fatigue syndrome makes you nuts then it is a good idea to call a zoom meeting with old buddies, or your loved ones who are living in far off continents.

The point is to stay connected while staying safe from the virus. It is critical to understand that we have not abandoned our loved ones but we are trying to be ‘over’ with this situation.

Meeting or waving while standing far from each other

On real grounds many families of doctors have told that their mother or father have not entered their house in a week but they come at the front gate of their home and wave their children to feel they are still with them.

This is emotionally draining but many doctors have gone through this predicament for the safety of their parents and children.

Speak your heart out

Nothing is better than speaking inner thoughts loud to your loved ones.

It not only clears the mental clutter but also restores mental balance. So whenever there is a chance to speak your heart, do it. It will help in dealing with caution fatigue.

You can read more about caution fatigue

About The Author

Rabia Shaukat

Rabia Shaukat is a person of many talents. Mostly she loves to write on various and diverse topics on life. Born, brought up and schooled in Lahore, now she currently resides in the United States of America (USA) with family.