How To Reduce Corona Induced Anxiety

It can Happen Invisibly

Corona Induced Anxiety

How to Cope With Corona Induced Anxiety

Corona induced anxiety can be hard to recognize and more harder to embrace it. But it does exist.

Have you ever thought of people managing their chronic illnesses from year to year? Or your parents who have been facing life-long health problems?

How they will be managing their ‘invisible’ illnesses and health concerns?

My mother who got paralyzed during the delivery of my baby brother has faced her leg weakness all her life. Her invisible illness came visible to me when I had a foot fracture.

We have our loved ones living with their invisible illnesses all their lives and we do not even know unless until some grave thing like corona happens.

Harper Spero’s host of a podcast show reveals how difficult it is for people to manage their chronic illnesses along with the looming danger of Coronavirus.

Is it not too much?  She tells in “Made Visible” show how to cope with chronic health issues keep sanity intact.

People living with a chronic illness that is invisible to people surrounding them need support on many levels.

Their day-to-day life activities, dealing with their health problem, has been compromised due to the pandemic.

It is affecting not only their social life but also dismantling their chronic condition which needs special attention in the form of medicines, pharmacies, doctor’s appointments, love and help of family and friends, and their spouses.

They are suffering in silence. Meeting every day with closed eyes, not to tell anybody their ordeal.

Challenging Situations 

This is truly a challenge and Spero is concerned about people with chronic invisible illness in pandemic time.

She thinks that their physical and mental health is at great risk due to cut-off from social interaction from the outside world for so long.

Life was never easy for these warriors and now it has become a living nightmare to be locked indoors God knows how long? So much uncertainty one cannot handle! which leads to corona induced anxiety.

Harper Spero is also the founder of Made Visible podcast who works on the lives of people suffering from chronic illnesses.

The attitude of empathy resides in her feelings as she herself is suffering from a rare chronic genetic disorder.

She knows exactly how it feels! She invited people on her show to tell her about their experience of life living with chronic disorders.

According to Spero, many people have come to terms with their illness as they cannot do much about it, of course.

She says, ‘I feature a lot of people with invisible illnesses on my podcast, and what I’ve been hearing from a lot of them is that they’re used to this.

People are finally starting to understand what it’s like to be isolated and to worry about their health all the time, which is something that people with invisible illnesses have been living with for years.’ with the baggage of now corona induced anxiety.

Worrying is also a not-so-good part of their lives when a pandemic is already splitting the mind’s stability.

These days, a lot of people are waiting to be checked by their doctors as corona patients already have become the top priority for doctors all over the world. They need to wait and make a special plan to go to pharmacies for medicines. Simple chores have become complicated due to pandemic.

However, Spero endorses five resources for invisible sufferers and corona induced anxiety to get help from and information too. These resources are helpful to stay healthy mentally and physically as much as possible.

Beyond My Battle

This resource is helpful in providing the ‘Covid-19 Battle kit’ with free donation-based resources which includes a guide to meditations, art and craft ideas, and stay-at-home yoga and physical exercise classes.


Wana is a community-based app designed for people with invisible illnesses.

It has an online library for creating awareness among people about their chronic diseases.

The app allows people to chat with each other, form lifelong bonds and friendships, and share the collective experience of their invisible illnesses.

Chronically Capable

Just like health, people with chronic illnesses as well as corona induced anxiety also suffer from an economic crisis also.

They are always worried about their income. But this online resource is designed to help people with invisible illnesses to find suitable jobs for themselves.

Chronically Capable is an online job-searching site that offers flexible job hours for people having disabilities and chronic health diseases.

The jobs are home-based as they do not require in-person interaction with the employees.

Virus Anxiety by Shine

Virus Anxiety from Shine is another powerful online resource that provides all the relevant information about the coronavirus and its related corona induced anxiety.

Corona induced anxiety is another alarming health condition faced by people of chronic illnesses. The articles are designed to address and manage anxiety and fear caused by coronavirus.

Made Visible

‘Made Visible’ is an initiative by Harper Spero, who herself is battling with a chronic genetic disorder, aims to build emotional bonding with people of invisible illnesses in her community.

Her podcast also features problems, worries, and fears of people with invisible illness in pandemic time as well as corona induced anxiety. It focuses on coping strategies from corona induced anxiety.

 Many episodes feature the latest information from doctors, experts, and invisible illnesses survivors.

You can read more about the corona induced anxiety

About The Author

Rabia Shaukat

Rabia Shaukat is a person of many talents. Mostly she loves to write on various and diverse topics on life. Born, brought up and schooled in Lahore, now she currently resides in the United States of America (USA) with family.