Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports

Do You Dream To Have Your Own Business One Day?

If Yes. Then This is Your Day Now!

Launching Ideas To Income i2i Special ReportsLaunching Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports

IdeasBeat is publishing and launching Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports.

We will choose one well researched solid business startup idea every month and will develop a lean business plan with a complete preliminary Feasibility Study.

The Special i2i Reports will not contain any fluff or extra fat.

The i2i Special Reports will be brief and precise and will provide the real content which can help you see the larger business picture with preliminary feasibility study.

Ideas To Income - i2i Special Reports are targeted at those people who are serious about setting up their own low-cost business with big potential for earning income every month.

Launching of Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports

The first Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports will be launched in the first week of April 2025 by IdeasBeat Publishing.

This special i2i Report will be initially priced at PKR 2900/- (in Pakistan only).

It will be about under 50 pages with a laser focus on the startup business idea with preliminary feasibility including the revenue and costing and forecasted profits.

It may take 3-6 hours to read and understand the business concept and all the requirements.

Eligibility Criteria for Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports

Firstly, the Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports initially will include some digital businesses, which are new age ideas, but have less saturation and less to nil competition in the market with huge hungry clients to buy the services.

However, these digital startup ideas may not appeal to everyone.

Only those who are moderately computer savvy, or at least willing to learn it can do it well.

Those who still hate the tech and digital world. They may opt out and stop reading.

However, the chosen startup ideas do not require any previous tech experience. It can be learned if you have the willingness for it. But if you don’t have the willingness, then no one in this world can change you.

Secondly, you need to be literate in English to read and write with moderate level.

Thirdly, you need to have at least 3-4 hours for daily work, and some initial business investment money (this will be mentioned in the Feasibility Study)

In case if you are thinking to start any business in this world without money and time, then this may not be the opportunity for you. You may opt out, and stop reading.

We would prefer people who are serious about doing something.

Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports Format

Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports Format

The Format of Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports.

We will be covering the following areas in our Ideas to Income i2i Special Reports.


Introduction about the Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports

What is the Idea (For: April 2025)

Start Your Own QR Code Generation Agency

For Small and Medium Business and all Retail Shops

Idea Rationale

QR Code Generation is becoming a big business all over the world.

You may have noticed QR codes at many places and shops in Pakistan.

These QR Codes can be easily scanned from the smart mobile phone, and the customers can easily get all the business details and their products on the mobile phone.

This service is paid service, which every company and shop needs badly.

This is the time before it gets saturated.

Every business, big, medium and small, wants a QR Code for their customers including the restaurants and their menu.

But do you know there are two kinds of QR Codes; Static QR Code and Dynamic QR Code.

You may also read about the history of QR Codes on Wikipedia

Our Ideas To Income - i2i Special Reports will provide all the details about it and much more.

What Are The Financials

Total Investment

Expected Monthly Revenue

Expected Monthly Expenses

Expected Monthly Profit

Return on Investment (ROI)

Investment Pay Back Period:

How To Find The Customers - Marketing Strategy

Targeted Customers

Targeted Regions

Targeted Genders

Age Groups

·        Targeted Audience Professions, Interests, Hobbies

SWOT Analysis





Main Eligibility Characteristics

Entrepreneurial nature

Tech Savvy

Knowledge of basic digital tools

Interested in learning more about digital tools

Interested in doing his or her own business

Interested in earning and increase the current income

Have the basic education – to read and write in English

Secret Ingredients for Success

Persistence – not to give up – to commit to idea execution for 2-3 years.

Problem Solver and proactive to find and reach out to prospects.

Ideas To Income – i2i Special Report Wrap Up

What can make it successful

How To Get The Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports

Please fill up the form below and Subscribe to IdeasBeat Newsletter to get the opportunity to get the Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports.

Even if you don’t want the i2i Special Report, IdeasBeat Newsletter is FREE, it will provide you with lots of useful resources to help you live better personally and professionally.

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Ideas To Income Reports


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How Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports Are Made

i2i Reports 3

We research the market online.

We research the market offline for the trends and profitability.

We assess and test the technical systems and their support and provides you with pros and cons.

We develop forecasted feasibility studies before you invest in the business.

(If you may know the business Feasibility Study itself is normally done at the cost of 2-5 lacs by the consulting companies. But you will get all the feasibility factors in just PKR 2900/- in these Ideas To Income - i2i Special Reports)

But of course, just like any other business, success will require hard work and persistence.

The good side is that it has low-cost entry.

Though every idea may not have equal potential for earning, we are careful to select only those startup ideas which we believe has good potential and there is good market for it.

About IdeasBeat

IdeasBeat is a multimedia book publishing company that intends to make a difference by adding value in bringing the most useful topics and subjects which can help to improve lives in a holistic way.

In addition to our other topic areas, IdeasBeat is taking a lead in developing the Ideas To Income - i2i Special Reports.

We hunt and research the doable business ideas and publish them on our website and some are also published globally including Amazon.

These are practical business startup ideas for execution, especially for those who really mean business.

You will get one unique business startup idea every month.

Every Ideas To Income i2i idea may not be suitable for everyone.

That is OK. You are not forced by anyone to go for it.

We are developing Ideas To Income - i2i Special Reports with a laser focus and making it easier for anyone to learn and apply it.

Man Behind the Machine

The Founder of IdeasBeat is Mr. Zeerik Ahmad who has 25+ years of corporate work experience locally and globally in the Business Development, Joint Ventures, Real Estate, Hospitality, IT, HR and Quality.

He is also a Career and Business coach for SMEs.

He has special interest and passion for entrepreneurship and digital entrepreneurship where there is huge potential in Pakistan.

IdeasBeat may also provide a limited opportunity for a few who are serious to start a business to get business coaching and training to few selected eligible people.

If you are serious about changing your destiny and working on it, then you will not be alone.

We will provide you with the essential support to help you take off the ground.

Initial coaching and training may be free, and some advance sessions may be paid for also.

Though we believe that whoever gets these Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports, they may not require any coaching or funding.

These i2i Special Reports will have everything in them. And it requires a very low-cost investment which the business aspirant should be able to afford it and keep 100% profits.

These Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports are fresh from the Oven of IdeaBeat.

Every business startup idea has its time to hit the market.

Those who take the action at the right time are the real winners.

We will advise you not to ignore this opportunity and register your interest in the above Registration Form for Ideas To Income i2i Special Reports.

In case you are not interested in getting the i2i Special Reports, of course, it is not compulsory.

In this competitive business world, less is always better.

Nevertheless, by registering your interest, and subscribing to our monthly IdeasBeat Newsletter we will still be sending you all the interesting ideas Free to live better personally and professionally.

Take your decision wisely and subscribe to our IdeasBeat Newsletter which is complete Free.