This page brings you selected curated short news snippets related to general interest from around the world selected from diverse news and magazine publications.
This news story snippet is sourced and curated from the Psychologies UK Magazine Feb 2025
The article highlights the importance of confident communication and offers simple steps to become a more confident communicator.
It was outlined by Kellie Gillespie-Wright.
It emphasizes that confidence is a skill that can be developed and nurtured through trust in oneself.
Life coach Chantal Dempsey highlighted that confidence is about inner trust and the belief that you can handle whatever challenges come your way.
Confidence is described as the foundation of everything in life, influencing how we interpret our reality and reducing chronic anxiety and fear.
This news story snippet is sourced and curated from an interview of J Frederick Arment by Christine Jones in Heartfulness eMagazine September 2024
J. Frederick Arment discusses his organization, International Cities of Peace, with Christine Jones, focusing on promoting global peace through fostering relationships, building communities, and fostering love.
Arment, the founder of International Cities of Peace, aims to reach 1,000 cities by 2030. Currently there are 414 cities included. He is also a co-founder of the Dayton International Peace Museum.
He emphasizes collaboration and being a facilitator, working with a team to support cities of peace in promoting peaceful communities.
His commitment to peace initiatives stems from a reflective moment in his youth and his drive to address the need for peace in the world.
The Dayton International Peace Museum, established in 2005, plays a crucial role in documenting and acknowledging the diverse efforts of individuals in advancing peace.
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