Benefits of Paper Hand Towels

Paper Hand Towels Spread Less Bacteria And Dry Faster

Using Paper Hand Towels in washroom

Paper Hand Towels for Washrooms

Paper hand towels were not there in the past. The COVID1-19 has forced us to change our lifestyles and general attitudes towards our work as well as other lifestyle habits including, eating, traveling, socializing and just roaming around.

We need more care and we need more modifications in our daily lives.

In addition, similarly the professional and commercial organizations have the similar challenges. They need even bigger changes and rather more investment to do things differently which can make people feel safer.

The hospitality industry has suffered a lot during the COVID-19. Though it has opened up somewhat but the fears and doubts are still there with the people and travelers.

Hospitality industry is fast trying to cope up and learning what requires to be changed.

The Usage of Paper Hand Towels

New clean bathrooms

Normally, as you may have noticed that hygiene in the hotels is very important for the occupants’ confidence to stay in the hotels.

Usually, hotels have two kinds of washrooms., the common lobby washrooms and the attached bedroom washrooms. Most of them have the hand dryers with warm air.

In this context, one independent organization global professional hygiene brand Tork conducted a study recently in the UK to examine an impact of COVID-19 on people’s attitude to hygiene with a special emphasis on public washrooms.

According to the study, about 80% people now feel unsafe going to the public washrooms, which may have doubtful hygiene standards.

And this may also include the hotels common area public washrooms as well.

29% of the people now preferred that there should be paper hand towels in place, which should be disposal, instead of air dryers.

This is because of the perception that paper hand towels dry hands more quickly and spread less bacteria in the air. 

Changing Culture

As we may know that the overall environment is fast changing, in order to sustain successfully, all businesses have to make some fundamental structural changes.

In particular reference to the hospitality industry, it is important to understand that hospitality offers some of the best opportunities for customer services and where hygiene is of utmost importance. 

Those hotels who have not yet considered the use of paper hand towels, they have to make such changes and remove the air dryers and provide the paper hand towels in a safe and hygienic setting. 

In addition, every hotel also has to take extra care to disinfect the rooms after the customers’ checkout and completely wash the bathrooms with strong chemicals removing every bacteria in every corner of the room.

Learning & Applying

The paper hand towels for hotels’ washrooms is just one of the many other factors which need to be addressed immediately, taking the direct help from the recent study by Tork in the UK.

There may also be many other changes that every hotel is now required to make after having developed a full-fledged checklist for Quality standards.

It may be more important for the medium and small hotel establishments, where people may even try to avoid more due to some perceived skepticism about the compromised quality standards of the hotels. 

Therefore, it is now the right time for every hotel to think ahead, learn more and act upon it at the earliest in order to attract back the lost customers.

You may also read an article here on Paper Hand Towels

Although times changed, Covid's catastrophe hit the world and hundreds and  thousands of people suffered and perished. But those who have survived they need to be thankful and need to learn the lessons.

We need to change and realign somewhat to adjust to the new realities.

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